My Mission Statement

Life is funny sometimes and I think we have to enjoy that. This is meant to be one of those funny things. My wife blogs, so I am going to make fun of what she blogs about. To learn the most about me you should learn about my wife.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

One Day; Treats

Post: 2 in 1

Sorry these treats are dog treats. I have the end-of-semester blues. If you google treats this is what comes up. I don't like reality shows anymore, and I don't like Alec Bladwin. 

I wish I was a morning person.

Here is a baby whale. Some day, he will be more then 6 feet tall? Wide? or both.

You should read my wife's blog to get this.
I promise, I know this is weird.

1) I married a comedian.
2) She's the bunny faced girl in the picture.
3) That is not me with the moustache, although it kind of looks like me...

Some Fish